
The decided work method is based on the task at hand and the tools you have. However, remember the risks determine the tools you will need. What forces are needed?

Working in advanced felling situations or storm-felled or fire-damaged forests requires an advanced set of tools, including:

  • Assortment of tools to force a tree to a fall (wedges, jack, breaking bar, pusher, etc.)
  • Impact tool, such as an axe
  • Mechanical winch/hoist
  • Pulling/rigging rope
  • Block
  • Slings
  • Lowering/lifting device
  • Pole saw
  • Throw line
  • Throw saw

Do you have the tools needed to get the task done safely and efficiently? Make sure the tools you need are available and ready for work. Keep them well maintained. Inspect them ahead of time. And remember to bring what you need to keep your machines running, like additional petrol, batteries and chain oil.

Viimeksi muokattu

31 elokuun, 2023

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Kirjanmerkki & Jaa
